Vivi In The Valley
20 Million Chinese can’t be wrong
Vivi in the Valley is a revolutionary show, covering innovation and entrepreneurship with a human angle. It is hosted by award-winning TV personality Vivi Lin. The bilingual show aspires to inspire and connect startup and investment communities in China with their international counterparts.
Released in early 2017, our first season seeks the best innovators in Silicon Valley, exploring their stories behind frontier technologies including AI, VR, hologram, Robotics, and driverless cars. From billionaire entrepreneur to virtual reality stars endorsed by Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, Vivi in the Valley’s first season is taking viewers on a worldwide journey to experience the possibilities of global innovation in ways never thought possible!
Episode 1: a billionaire’s entrepreneurial journey (profiled Greek billionaire Alki David)
Alki David is a world‐class entrepreneur and billionaire with family ties to manufacturing, CocaCola’s global bottling business, and shipping, Alki is a proud business tycoon, but that doesn’t stop him from innovation as an entrepreneur. Alki opens up to Vivi on his vision on future and his missions in life.
Episode 2: driverless car startup aims at challenging Google (profiled Auro)
Three young entrepreneurs from India made their way to Silicon Valley, enrolling in Y Combinator and making driverless cars for campuses. Auro Robotics’s founder Nalin Gupta talks to Vivi about his vision on driverless cars, and his team’s passion and dreams for future in automation.
Episode 3: secrets behind the most comfortable VR games (profiled Temple Gates)
A Silicon Valley-based VR startup, headed by female CEO and founder Theresa Duringer, is making the most comfortable VR games in the valley, which won them the endorsement of Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg. Theresa opens up to Vivi on her secrets of success and the team’s plans for the future.
Episode 4: will this robot steal your jobs? (profiled AI startup Slightech and its robot SDeno)
Vivi talks to AI Robot SDeno and its maker Dr. Leo Pang, on the future of AI, the dangers and hope. He also articulates a future where automation could spell danger for the vast majority of jobs, as well as what potentially displaced people can do to help themselves.
Episode 5: a Tibetan Buddhist’s journey for mindfulness & innovation
Have you ever wondered about the connection between mindfulness and innovation? Vivi talks to Jiacuo Riponche, one of the most influential spiritual leaders visiting Silicon Valley from Tibet, and explores his unique stories on the journey of mindfulness and innovation. This episode is a must-watch as mindfulness and spirituality are often overlooked in the realm of innovation as entrepreneurs can get burnt out.
Our show has acquired distribution deals with several mainstream Chinese networks, including Caixin Media, often referred to as China’s New York Times or Wall Street Journal; Iqiyi, China’s equivalent of Netflix; and other premium video hosting platforms.
The second season is in the making, if you are interested to be part of our innovation journey, we are here to talk!
Please contact: [email protected].